21:00h Filmski program / Dokukino KIC, dvorana 2

Radikalna molitva


Radikalna molitva / Radical Grace

r. Rebecca Parrish / SAD, Italija / 2015. / dugometražni dokumentarni film / 86’

U filmu se isprepliće priča triju časnih sestara čija je vjera u pravednost toliko snažna da su voljne riskirati položaj u crkvi koju vole zbog svojih uvjerenja. Od hodnika Kongresa do Trga Sv. Petra, pratimo sestre u njihovoj borbi s Katoličkom crkvom i američkom politikom.

Radical Grace interweaves the stories of three nuns who believe in justice so deeply that they’ll risk their place in the church they love to be true to their faith. From the halls of Congress to Saint Peter’s Square, we follow the sisters as they shake up the Catholic Church and American politics.


FB: https://www.facebook.com/RadicalGraceFilm
