Luka Prelas i Tihomir Babić: Naših ruku tijelo

‘Naših ruku tijelo’ pjesnički je performans s improviziranim muzičkim dijelovima zagrebačkih umjetnika Tihomira Babića i Luke Prelas. Izvedbom tekstova na tragu slam poezije opisuju sukobe s vlastitim tijelima kao sredstva za izgradnju odnosa s vlastitim i tuđim tijelima. Popratnim improvizacijama na saksofonu i gitari (i mogućim nesnalaženjem u tome) preslikavaju nepripremljenost na sebe i zadanost onoga što jesmo, kako se doživljavamo i kako to predstavljamo drugima. Spoj tekstova o borbama i nesigurnostima s glazbom koja se bori za opstanak i formu rezultira – nepoznatim i neočekivanim.

Tihomir Babić i Luka Prelas su samoprozvani “power couple” koji je nedavno odlučio kako žele isprobati spojiti i svoje umjetničke prakse. 

Tihomir Babić je samozaposleni pisac i gitarist, a po struci ekonomist, iako je od bavljenja ekonomijom u velikim korporacijama nedavno pobjegao. Svira u underground-pop bendu Vikend Revolucija i piše kolumne za hrvatski LGBTQIA+ portal Crol. Kad bi ga se pitalo o vlastitom identitetu, samog sebe bi opisao kao “pedera kojeg ne zanimaju muškarci” i “profesionalnog jebivjetra”. 

Luka Prelas je umjetnica koja trenutno živi, radi i studira u Amsterdamu. Po struci je klasična saksofonistica. Magistrirala je glazbu na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu, a nada se da će do 2020. po drugi puta magistrirati na Konzervatoriju u Amsterdamu. Od 2017. radi performanse, od 2012. piše poeziju o svojim tijelima i ljubavima, a od 2018. sudjeluje u stvaranju i izvedbi glazbeno-scenskih performansa u sklopu svog profila studiranja – CPL (Creative Performance Lab ili po naški, Kreativni laboratorij). Kada bi se nju pitalo kako bi opisala vlastiti identitet, rekla bi za sebe da je trans cura koja *ponekad* pada na pedere. 

Thursday, November 7th 2019, 8:00PM

Luka Prelas i Tihomir Babić: Made by Our Bodies | music performance

‘Made by our Bodies’ is a performance piece combining poetry and improvised musical bits, performed by Zagreb’s resident artists Tihomir Babić and Luka Prelas. Their texts resembling slam poetry describe the conflict between them and their bodies as a means of establishing relationships with their own bodies, as well as with the bodies of others. Accompanied by an improvised musical backdrop of a saxophone and a guitar (and the potential inaptness that comes with it), they illustrate an unpreparedness for facing oneself and the arbitrariness of what we are, how we perceive ourselves and how we present ourselves to others. The combination of texts that talk about struggles and insecurities and the music that is fighting for its survival and form results in something foreign and unexpected.

Tihomir Babić and Luka Prelas are a self-proclaimed power couple that has recently embarked on merging their artistic practices.

Tihomir Babić is a self-employed writer and guitar player, as well as a recent escapee from the corporate world of economics. He is a member of the underground pop band Vikend Revolucija and works as a columnist for the Croatian LGBTQIA+ portal Crol. When asked about his own identity, he describes himself as a “fag not interested in men” and a “professional flake”.

Luka Prelas is an artist currently living, working and studying in Amsterdam. She graduated from the Zagreb Academy of Music as a classical saxophonist. She also hopes to graduate for the second time by 2020 at the Conservatory of Amsterdam. She has been an active performance artist since 2017, she has been writing poetry about her bodies and love since 2012 and in 2018 she has joined the Creative Performance Lab in creating musical stage performances. When asked about her own identity, she says that she is a trans* girl that *sometimes* falls for fags.
