r. Maja Borg
Švedska, Španjolska / 2021. / dokumentarni / 92′
Strast je intenzivno osoban film o čežnji, ozdravljenju i pripadnosti u kojem redateljica Maja Borg prikazuje vlastiti proces suočavanja s traumom nakon destruktivne veze. U želji da povrati intimnost i ponovno uspostavi granice, Borg se okreće queer BDSM praksi, koja joj daje priliku da istraži svoje davno zaboravljeno kršćansko nasljeđe. Prepuštajući se ritualima koje preuzima iz dvije naizgled nespojive zajednice – queer BDSM-a i kršćanstva – Borg konačno priznaje i prihvaća vlastitu žudnju, suočavajući se s najmračnijim dijelovima sebe. Film donosi i priče ljudi koji prakticiraju queer BDSM u Berlinu, Stockholmu i Barceloni te ukazuje na ljudskost koja je u srži ove prakse, istovremeno potcrtavajući poveznice s kršćanstvom na emocionalnoj, a možda i duhovnoj razini.
Nakon projekcije će se održati razgovor sa švedskim seksualnim edukatoricama Marikom Smith i Kristofferom Lindhom.
Maja Borg, redateljica i koproducentica filma Strast, je umjetnica i filmašica koja se bavi dokumentarnim i igranim filmom. Svoj rad izlaže podjednako u kinima i umjetničkim galerijama. Istražuje političke alternative i osobnu ‘drugost’ i zanima je dekonstrukcija kulture, ekonomije, seksualnosti, mitologije i jezika.
Passion is an intensely personal film about longing, healing, and belonging where filmmaker Maja Borg illustrates their unique process of dealing with trauma in the wake of a destructive relationship. In seeking to reclaim intimacy and re-establish boundaries Borg is drawn to queer BDSM practice, through which they’re able to explore their long-forgotten Christian heritage. Adopting rituals and play from both queer BDSM and Christian communities, Borg finds themselves able to acknowledge and accept their own longings, confronting their darkest parts in order to move forwards. The film tells the stories of queer BDSM practitioners in Berlin, Stockholm and Barcelona and portrays the humanity at the heart of the practise while illuminating its similarities with Christianity on an emotional and perhaps even spiritual level.
Maja Borg, director and co-producer of Passion, is an artist and film director working with both documentary and fiction. Their work is as likely to be exhibited on cinema as in art galleries. Borg’s work explores political alternatives and personal ‘otherness’ and is often focused on the deconstruction of culture, economy, sexuality, mythology and language itself.