The Journey of Monalisa
r: Nicole Costa
Čile / 2019. / dokumentarni film / 98′
Nakon sedamnaestogodišnjeg iskustva seksualnog radnika u New Yorku, neprijavljeni imigrant Iván Monalisa ponovno se ujedinjuje s bivšim sveučilišnim kolegom i proživljava procvat u potrazi za identitom sebe kao trans* izvođačice i spisateljice.
After 17 years working as a sex worker in New York City, undocumented immigrant Iván Monalisa reunites with a former college classmate and re-flourishes in the search for identity as a transgender performer and writer.
Nicole Costa je čileanska glumica, redateljica i producentica koja živi u New Yorku. Za ulogu u filmu The Objects of Love španjolskog redatelja Adriána Silvestrea, 2017. godine primila je nagradu za najbolju glumicu na Lisbon Queer Festivalu. Svoj debitantski redateljski uradak je imala s kratkim filmom Danger&Alone, koji je snimljen u suradnji s američkom glumicom Mary Monahan. 2019. godine objavila je svoj prvi dokumentarni film The Journey of Monalisa, koji je osvojio brojne nagrade i bio prikazivan na mnogim festivalima.
Nicole Costa is a Chilean actress, filmmaker and producer based in New York. In 2017 she received the Best Actress award at the Lisbon Queer Festival for her role in the film The Objects of Love by Spanish director Adrián Silvestre. She makes her debut as co-director at Sanfic 2018 with the short film Danger & Alone made with the American actress Mary Monahan; and in 2019 she premiered her first documentary feature film The Journey of Monalisa that has won numerous awards and has been shown at many festivals.
Među brojnim nagradama i priznanjima koji su dodijeljeni ovom filmu, ističu se nagrada za najbolji dokumentarni film na festivalima ZINEGOAK IFF i LesGaiCineMad te posebno priznanje žirija na FECILS Festivalu.
This movie has received numerous awards, including the award for the best documentary at the ZINEGOAK IFF and LesGaiCineMad festivals and the Special Mention of the Jury at the FECILS Festival.

Aktivnost se održava u sklopu projekta WoW: Women on Women, kojeg sufinanciraju Kreativna Europa i Zaklada Kultura Nova.