Beautiful You

Beautiful You
r: Bernadette Kolonko
Njemačka / 2020. / igrani film / 18′

Dok Christine uzaludno pokušava natjerati svoju nijemu kćer da ponovno progovori, dogodi joj se neočekivani susret: upoznaje Leonore i osjeti privlačnost prema njoj. Vođena obiteljskim dužnostima, Christine postaje sve svjesnija činjenice da je vlastita nijemost spriječava u izražavanju same sebe i vlastitih žudnji.

While Christine tries in vain to get her mute daughter to speak again, an unexpected encounter occurs: She meets Leonore and feels attracted to her. Driven by the duties of family life, Christine becomes increasingly conscious of how her own speechlessness prevents her from expressing herself and her desires.

Bernadette Kolonko studirala je fotografiju na Akademiji likovnih umjetnosti u Leipzigu te na Zurich University of Arts. Potom je studirala filmsku režiju i stekla prvostupničku diplomu i magisterij na Filmskom sveučilištu Babelsberg Konrad Wolf. Od 2019. zaposlena je kao suradnica na Zurich University of Arts, gdje radi kao umjetnička istraživačica i teorijska predavačica u području roda i različitosti u fiktivnim filmovima.

Bernadette Kolonko studied photography at Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig and Zurich University of the Arts. After that she studied film directing and did her BA and MA at Film University Babelsberg Konrad Wolf. Since 2019 she is a Fellow at Zurich University of the Arts, where she works as an artistic researcher and theory lecturer in the field of gender&diversity in fiction films.

Film je nominiran u kategoriji najboljeg kratkog LGBTQ+ filma i najboljeg međunarodnog studentskog filma na Međunarodnom festivalu kratkog filma u Palm Springsu 2020.

The movie was a double-nominee at the Palm Springs International ShortFest 2020, in the categories of Best LGBTQ+ Short and Best Student International Short. 
