Radionica ‘The Art of Elegance’ dat će vam sve potrebne alate kako biste i vi postali majstorica zavođenja, bilo u privatne ili potencijalno profesionalne svrhe. Radionicu vodi jedna od najhvaljenijih burlesknih umjetnica Velike Britanije – Miss Betsy Rose. Get your ass up, show her how you burlesque! Kao bivša profesionalna balerina, Miss Betsy Rose posvećuje pažnju linijama tijela, te načinima na koji balet utječe na elegantnost pokreta i burlesknu izvedbu. Ova je radionica jedinstvena prilika da upoznate i radite s jednom od najelitnijih burlesknih performerica i otkrite svoju unutarnju elegantnost i burlesknu božicu!
Na radionici mogu sudjelovati svi zainteresirani, ali zbog tehnika koje se koriste primarno je namijenjena osobama s postojećim plesnim iskustvom. Sudjelovanje je besplatno (uz ograničen broj sudionika). Prijavite se zaključno sa srijedom, 6.11. na e-mail uz naznaku “Prijava na radionicu The Art of Elegance”.
‘The Art of Elegance’ workshop will give you all the necessary tools to become the mistress of seduction, be it for personal or professional purposes. Workshop is held by one f the most prominent burlesque artists from Great Britain – Miss Betsy Rose. Get your ass up, show her how you burlesque…
With her professional balet dance background, Miss Betsy Rose puts great emphasis on elegance of movement in performance. This workshop is an unique opportunity to get to know and work with one of the best performers out there, and discover your inner elegance.
Workshop is opened to everyone, but due to techniques that are used it is suggested that participants have prior experience in dance. No admission, but number of participants is limited. Applications are accepted up to November 6th, on e-mail with subject “Art of Elegance Workshop”.